Royal Court 99.75% 99.56% 98.47% Double Jackpot Poker 99.63% Luck of the Draw 92.54%
Royal Flush 4000 4000 4000 Royal Flush 4000 Royal Flush 4000
Straight Flush 250 250 250 Straight Flush 250 Straight Flush 250
4 Kings 500 400 400 4 Aces + Face 800 4 Aces 400
4 Queens 300 300 300 4 Aces 400 Quad 2,3,4 200
4 Jacks 200 200 200 4 K, Q, J + Face 400 Quad 5 thru K 125
4 Others 125 100 100 4 K, Q, J 200 Full House 50
Full House 40 40 40 4 others 100 Flush 35
Flush 25 30 25 Full House 40 Straight 25
Straight 20 20 20 Flush 25 3 of a Kind 15
3 of a Kind 15 15 15 Straight 20 2 Pair 5
2 Pair 10 10 10 3 of a Kind 15 1 Pair 5
1 Pair 5 5 5 2 Pair 10    
        1 Pair 5    
Royal Sevens 99.88% 98.79% Strat 8/5 Super Pay 100.22% Strat 9/7 DB 100.15%
Royal Flush 4000 4000 Royal Flush 4000 Royal Flush 4000
Quad 7's 4000 4000 Straight Flush 250 Straight Flush 250
SF 250 250 4 Aces 400 4 Aces 800
4 of a Kind 125 125 4 2-8 200 Four 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 400
Full House 40 35 4 9-k 125 4 others 250
Flush 25 25 Full House 40 Full House 45
Straight 20 20 Flush 25 Flush 35
3 of a Kind 15 15 Straight 20 Straight 25
2 Pair 5 5 3 of a Kind 15 3 of a Kind 15
1 Pair 5 5 2 Pair 10 2 Pair 5
1 Pair 5 1 Pair 5
All American 100.72% 92.01% Sevens Wild 98.80% Royal Deuces 99.81%
Royal Flush 4000 4000 Royal 4000 Royal 4000
Straight Flush 1000 1000 4 Sevens 1000 4 Deuces 4000
4 of a Kind 200 200 Royal w/Seven 125 SF 250
Full House 40 30 5 of a Kind 75 4 of a Kind 125
Flush 40 30 Straight Flush 45 Full House 40
Straight 40 30 4 of a Kind 25 Flush 25
3 of a Kind 15 15 Full House 15 Straight 20
2 Pair 5 5 Flush 10 3 of a Kind 15
Pair Jacks 5 5 Straight 10 2 Pair 5
      3 of a Kind 5 1 Pair 5
Blazing 7's 99.71% Dbl Royal Deluxe 97.99%
Royal Flush 4000 Royal Flush 8000
Straight Flush 250 Straight Flush 250
4 of a Kind 125 4Aces + 2,3,4 2000
Quad 7's 500 4Aces 800
Full House 40 42,3,4 + A,2,3,4 800
Flush 25 42,3,4 400
Straight 20 4others 250
3 of a Kind 7's 25 Full House 35
3 of a Kind 15 Flush 25
2 Pair 10 Straight 20
1 Pair 5 3 of a Kind 15
2 Pair 5
1 Pair 5
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